Vibrational Shift

Powerful Focus…

When you break our human essence down, we are energy in constant movement. Without the ears to interpret sound we are just energy that moves which is recognized as vibration.

Vibrational shifts occur when powerful focus is employed to change a direction or outcome. If you think back to anything that has manifested, you will find the root of a thought that was held in focus long enough to become a thing.

Everything that exists was preceded with a thought, which is where any true action should be placed. Humans want to use action to put things or desires into place prematurely without realizing that your thoughts/beliefs create your reality regardless of the action rendered.

If you believe everyone in your family gets a particular disease at a set point in their life, it will not matter what preventative measures you take because your belief will trump your action every time.

Abundance be it wealth, health or peace is all about focusing your thoughts into a state of total knowing, which will shift into a manifestation in every aspect of your life.