
Creative Freedom…

A calling is loud cries towards a particular way of life, career or vocation. You have callings that speak to you concerning many unfulfilled desires or outcomes yet to reveal themselves.

At the heart of any desire resides a need for creative freedom. Every being on this planet wants to have the ability to do as it sees fit concerning its existence.

We collectively as free will beings want the creative freedom to direct our own life movie. As a proud parent of sons, I remember the strong will that my boys exuded in the desire to do for themselves from a very early age.

Many human overseers think by taking control of others' ability to choose they will keep them from hardships or difficult times. That mindset defeats the lesson learned and the gift of expansion in knowing that we all came forth to experience in our own way.

Every child determined to walk may fall over many times, yet they continue to rise until the objective of walking is achieved.